This will be a page to let you know of upcoming cruises in our area. For now you can call 352 347- 4496 with information till we set up our e-mail. Till then Keep cruising. Like us on facebook for more information.
Every first Saturday of the month from 5pm to 8pm The Twilight Cruisers host a cruise-in at the Kent Furniture center on 441 in Belleview Fla. Located behind Regions bank and Ace Hardware. Six peoples choice trophies and give-aways. For more information contact Joe @ 352-653-7476, Frank @ 407-504-6413 , Ken @ 352-351-8038, or Steve @ 352 347-4496 Food donations are accepted and benefit Interfaith charities
Every second Friday of the month there is a cruise-in at the Big Lots shopping center on St rd 200 that benefits local food pantries. Food donations accepted
The second Saturday of the month is the %0s on Main street cruise in at historic downtown Leesburg. Contact Kent at 352-255-2232
Every second Saturday of the month there is a cruise-in at Six Gun Plaza in Ocala on Silver Springs Blvd. Contact Ron @ 352-625-7122. Food donations benefit local food pantries. (.)
Every second Saturday of the month the Gainesville Street rods host a cruise-in at the Publix shopping center in the Spring Hills complex 9200 NW 39 Ave ( I-75 at Exit 390) from 6 to 9 pm. For more information call 352- 658-1477
Every Wednesday night theres a free cruise in at Sunset delights on 441 near sunset harbor rd on 441 in Belleview from 4 to ?
Every second thursday of the month show and shin cruise in at Wise Guy pizzeria 2653 NE 35th Street Ocala starting at 6pm
.Every third Thursday Downtown Leesburg Cruise night at the Great Chicago Fire Brearey from 5 to 8. fro more information contact John Sokol @
Every third Saturday there is a cruise-in at the back porch in the villages, more information contact Mike at 352-895-0695
Every fourth Saturday there is a cruise-in at the market of Marion south of Belleview on 441 from 9 am to 1pm. No show in July and August or November and December.
Every last Saturday there is a cruise-in at the six gun plaza on 441 behind outback. Contact Kurt at 352 427-1580 for more information
3-8 El Patron cruise in 3101 SW 34th ave 12 to 5 free.
3-8 Sat morning Taylor made car show@ Orange Blossoms Hills community center 441 from 10 to other info.